This blog is starting about a year too late. In October 2013 I started a Ph.D. in Computer Science in the area of Cyber Security at the Institute of Technology Blanchardstown in Dublin Ireland. I had intended to start the blog to record my progress and thoughts as my Ph.D. progressed. I’m sure there are not that many people interested in my Ph.D. journey but I wanted to start this blog mostly for myself. So here I am a year into my work and I have finally bit the bullet…
I have spent the last 16 years teaching Computer Science and have taught modules across the spectrum of Computer Science including Programming in C++ & Java, Data Structures, Derivation of Algorithms, Design Patterns, Systems Analysis & Design and Computational Intelligence to name but a few. What I neglected during this time was my own education. So about a year and a half ago I decided to fix that by signing up for a Ph.D.
So around September 2013 I started to write a project proposal and fill out a stack of forms to get the ball rolling. Starting a Ph.D. is a scary process even after 16 years in the third level education sector. I have supervised many undergraduate projects and M.Sc. projects, but when its your own work, its a different story, especially when you are your own worst critic.
I’m hoping that this blog will help me achieve a number of things, like getting into the habit of writing regularly about my work and the wider area of Computer Science and Cyber Security. You never know, someone might even get something out of my rantings…